Weight on 8/26/13: 220 pounds
Weight on 9/2/13: 217 pounds (-3)
I was mildly surprised by this result, as I only managed to get to the gym once this week and did not follow the rules entirely with my diet. I ate after 9:00pm a few times, and I downed a couple boxes of macaroni and cheese through the week for lunch. One thing that pushed me, I think, was the fact that I still have no air conditioning in my bedroom, which feels like death from about 5:00pm to 11:00pm during the summer months. It's that time of day when it's cooling down outside, but it isn't in a brick building, which seems to retain all the sun's heat from earlier in the day. I also substituted more eggs into my diet, trying to eat them once or twice a week for breakfast. Frank's Hot Sauce really helps to get those down, as I can't eat them with shredded cheddar anymore. I also worked more water into my diet, downing roughly half a gallon during my work shifts at night (let's face it, I need something to drink while sweating my butt off in the room).
What can I do better this week? I've got to hit the gym more this coming week, starting tomorrow. As today is Labor Day (and, as of this morning, a laundry day), the gym's out; however, tomorrow morning should be different. I'm gonna work in jump rope and all the other cardio that I promised late last week, and find lunch alternatives to rice and macaroni and cheese.
What can I do better this week? I've got to hit the gym more this coming week, starting tomorrow. As today is Labor Day (and, as of this morning, a laundry day), the gym's out; however, tomorrow morning should be different. I'm gonna work in jump rope and all the other cardio that I promised late last week, and find lunch alternatives to rice and macaroni and cheese.
Mind / Spirit
I'm combining these two this week, as I didn't really do much in the realm of spirit. I went to church on Saturday and said a rosary on Thursday... a good start, but it can obviously be improved. However, I'm also putting mind and spirit together because I finished a book this week that I want to write an entry on, either Wednesday or Thursday. Our Lady of Kibeho, by Immaculée Ilibagiza, was an outstanding book, and it gave me a new kind of rosary I can recite over weeks to come to enrich my faith. I plan to finish a book over the next two weeks as well by my history professor and advisor from undergrad, Dr. Tony Novosel, and will post a review on that days after I finish it.
I'm combining these two this week, as I didn't really do much in the realm of spirit. I went to church on Saturday and said a rosary on Thursday... a good start, but it can obviously be improved. However, I'm also putting mind and spirit together because I finished a book this week that I want to write an entry on, either Wednesday or Thursday. Our Lady of Kibeho, by Immaculée Ilibagiza, was an outstanding book, and it gave me a new kind of rosary I can recite over weeks to come to enrich my faith. I plan to finish a book over the next two weeks as well by my history professor and advisor from undergrad, Dr. Tony Novosel, and will post a review on that days after I finish it.
Aside from reading, however, I've also worked in some time to take a college-level online course, titled "Foundations of Business Strategy." The site can be found on the website Coursera, which can be found here. The class is taught by Dr. Michael Lenox from the University of Virginia. It's my first time ever taking an online course, so I decided to go with something easy. This course was advertised as something that anyone was welcome to take. Over time, if anything particularly interesting comes from it, I'll post it here.
I have nothing else particularly inspiring to say today, other than that I'm happy with my results, and I think I've gotten off to a good start transitioning into a new school year. I've got some work to do in the mind and spirit categories, but that will come with another week's worth of experiences. Until then, wait till next Monday to hear more about my progress!
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